Introducing Securo’s new UI — More developer-friendly features!
5 min readDec 14, 2022


Securo is finally rolling out the new version of the interface with the Developer Portal!

Visit now to see what’s new & how easy it is to set up, and manage Securo API in your DeFi applications


  • Securo’s Development Portal with the new interface is open!
  • There are 6 primary menus in Development Portal — Dashboard, Business Details, Transactions, Customer, Reporting, Developer Tools, Settings
  • The guide is a complete tutorial on how to best use Securo Developer Portal
  • You can access Securo’s new UI here:

A fresh new look for Securo Developer Portal

As Securo has relaunched with, the Securo team has been working vigorously to provide a comprehensive dashboard specifically for developers.

The new interface carries these major changes:

  1. is divided into 2 Portals — Investment Portal & Developer Portal
  2. The Investment Portal is to access active DeFi index funds Securo provides, and the Developer Portal is to access the Securo API and manage various activities through your applications using API.
  3. In the Developer Portal, you can proceed with all processes of using Securo API — from setting up API keys, managing your business details, adding your customer, monitoring the transactions, and getting integration reports.

How to best use Securo Developer Portal

  • Dashboard: display the overview of your application integrated with Securo API
  • Business Details: set up your business profile using Securo API
  • Transactions: view and export your transactions with respective status
  • Customer: add, view, and edit your customer information
  • Reporting: view API integration report over time
  • Developer Tools: view API logging, webhook event history
  • Settings: set up your API, webhook, and sandbox environment

‘Transaction volume’ shows the deposit amount triggered by your users(customers) every day.

‘New Customer’ shows the number of new users added to your applications every day.

Under the Business Detail menu, you can upload the business logo, and type the business name you’d like to display in your application. You can also see the preview.

Under Transactions, all transaction records in your application created by interacting with Securo API will be shown as a list. The status of each transaction will be displayed — success, fail, and pending.

Under Customer, you can add new customers manually to use your application. The Bulk upload function for the customer database will be supported in the near future. You can also export the customer details.

If you click ‘Create New Customer’, you will be able to fill in the customer details.

Under Reporting, you will be able to see the Securo API integration report with information, such as API requests, API errors, and Webhook events.

API logging

Under ‘API logging’ in Developer Tools, you can view & search API logging and also export the data.

API logging sample (Token Swap on DEX)

Webhook events

Under ‘API logging’ in Developer Tools, you can view webhook events. Webhook is used to connect two different applications. On this page, all event and transaction details from Securo and pass to another application (your application) will be logged and displayed.

API Key Setup

Under ‘API Key Setup’ in Settings, you will be able to generate up to 3 API keys with signatures and get authenticated by the Securo backend. Once you are set up, you can access Securo's private API.

Sandbox Setup

Under ‘Sandbox Setup’ in Settings, you will be able to generate up to 3 Sandbox API keys with signatures and get authenticated by the Sandbox environment to do testing.

Webhook Setup

Under ‘Webhooks’ in Settings, you can add a webhook URL to receive Securo events.

Congratulations! Now you’re all set!

For more info, we invite you to join our discord and get help from Securo Team.

Everyone can now access the new interface at — for free (with a limited period)

Projects integrating Securo API will have diverse features such as

  • Token Swap through DEX on Ethereum, BNB chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Arbitrum, and Optimism
  • Fiat-to-crypto on-ramp payment service
  • Deploy funds into Index Funds

With the support of a sandbox environment for you to test the API.


What we need most now is your honest feedback. We’d love to know what feels good and what feels clunky with our new UI. Play with it, and share your thoughts, and we’ll be in discord to follow up on your precious feedback!

Written with ❤,
Team Securo



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All-in-1 DeFi Infrastructure API Build, invest, and manage your DeFi product at

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